Time to set a goal for this week! Here are some AMAZING tools to help get your toddler talking. My suggestion: rate yourself on how well you are already doing, and then pick one skill to work on at home this week. For more information on helping your toddler talk check out this blog post: encouraging-my-child-to-talk.html
Wait for your child to try!
Don’t cater to your child’s every need or want before they have a chance to communicate with you. Observe their actions, wait for them to interact with you, and then listen!!
How often are you waiting? Never - Rarely - Sometimes - Often
Mess things up:
Mess up routines so your child has to communicate his or her needs.
Example: During mealtime give everyone a spoon but “forget” to give your child a spoon. Wait and see if your child initiates they need something. If they don’t initiate what they need, help them by saying. “What do you need?” or “Are you missing something” or “Uh-oh!” Label the item before you give it to them.
Do you ever mess up the routine? Never - Rarely - Sometimes - Often
Parent Speech:
Use clear simple speech with your child during play routines. The goal is to talk in phrases you want your child to copy. Use one or two words more than your child is using.
How often do you use Parent Speech? Never - Rarely - Sometimes - Often
Use add-ons:
Add 1 or 2 words to what your child says when you respond back to him or her.
Example: When your child says “up” say “up… you want up”.
How often do you use add-on? Never - Rarely - Sometimes - Often
Narrate your life:
When your child is within hearing range, talk about what you are doing while you do it.
Example: When washing your hands at the sink say “I'm washing my hands”, when the phone is ringing say “I hear the phone”.
How often are you narrating your life? Never - Rarely - Sometimes - Often
Narrate your child’s life:
When playing with your child, describe what your child is doing while they are doing it.
Example: When your child picks up a car – say “pick up the car”. When your child drops a block – say “you dropped the block”.
How often are you narrating your child's life? Never - Rarely - Sometimes - Often
Hopefully this list gives you an idea of a skill to focus on this week. You can do it!!!
Wait for your child to try!
Don’t cater to your child’s every need or want before they have a chance to communicate with you. Observe their actions, wait for them to interact with you, and then listen!!
How often are you waiting? Never - Rarely - Sometimes - Often
Mess things up:
Mess up routines so your child has to communicate his or her needs.
Example: During mealtime give everyone a spoon but “forget” to give your child a spoon. Wait and see if your child initiates they need something. If they don’t initiate what they need, help them by saying. “What do you need?” or “Are you missing something” or “Uh-oh!” Label the item before you give it to them.
Do you ever mess up the routine? Never - Rarely - Sometimes - Often
Parent Speech:
Use clear simple speech with your child during play routines. The goal is to talk in phrases you want your child to copy. Use one or two words more than your child is using.
How often do you use Parent Speech? Never - Rarely - Sometimes - Often
Use add-ons:
Add 1 or 2 words to what your child says when you respond back to him or her.
Example: When your child says “up” say “up… you want up”.
How often do you use add-on? Never - Rarely - Sometimes - Often
Narrate your life:
When your child is within hearing range, talk about what you are doing while you do it.
Example: When washing your hands at the sink say “I'm washing my hands”, when the phone is ringing say “I hear the phone”.
How often are you narrating your life? Never - Rarely - Sometimes - Often
Narrate your child’s life:
When playing with your child, describe what your child is doing while they are doing it.
Example: When your child picks up a car – say “pick up the car”. When your child drops a block – say “you dropped the block”.
How often are you narrating your child's life? Never - Rarely - Sometimes - Often
Hopefully this list gives you an idea of a skill to focus on this week. You can do it!!!